Obtain a GSA Contract In 30 Days!

General Services Administration’s Multiple Award Schedule Express Program is designed for contractors to obtain a government contract within thirty (30) days. Yes that’s right 30 days! You will be able to access the MAS Express Program requirements and documentation through the solicitation packet listed on Federal Business Opportunities, www.fbo.gov. Please note should you choose to submit through MAS Express your submission will be reviewed within the office of Schedule Program Express Evaluation Desk (SPEED). Of course there are specific qualifications for a business to receive such an accelerated award. To date, there are twelve schedules that qualify for this award, in addition only Special Item Numbers (SIN) within the schedules may qualify. The following Schedules apply:

  • Schedules 36, 48, 51 V, 58 I, 67, 70, 73, 75, 78, 81 IB, 599, 899

For more information on description of the schedules you may go to http://www.gsaelibrary.gsa.gov/ElibMain/home.do and type in the Schedule number on the gsaelibrary search engine . Normally the solicitation advertised provides which SIN’s qualify for the express award or you may go to https://vsc.gsa.gov/fss/MASExpProgram.cfm. You need to be aware that since this is an accelerated award if any issues should arise you are required to respond promptly to maintain the expeditious flow of the contract. Your company must:

  • Have maintained business for two years consecutively.
  • Submit one copy and one original of your complete offer
  • Submit two copies of the Express Vendors Checklist
  • Not listed on the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS)
  • Have a minimum current ratio of 1.5 of assets to liabilities.
  • Maintain a positive or neutral rating on all criteria of your Open Ratings Report.
  • Have a minimum of $100,000 in sales during the last two years and provide documentation.
  • All registrations and certifications are required to be up to date.
  • All forms (SF-1449, CSP-1) and training (Pathways to Success) completed.
  • Technical and Price Proposal completed
  • Not more than 500 products or labor categories are offered.
  • A guaranteed Most Favored Customer (MFC) pricing
  • Have a subcontracting plan if you maintain a large business

If your submission is rejected based on the criteria listed your offer will be processed under the normal procedures of proposal submission. Remember to check the schedule to ensure any other requirements.


Procurement Source Solutions is a government contracting consultant firm if you have questions you may contact 800-267-7640