GSA Extends HCaTS 8(A) Solicitation

Human Capital opportunity solicited through GSA originally set to close in January has been extended to March 16, 2020.  Awardees must hold an active 8(a) certification as of the closing date.  Awardees must also have the required experience in the following Pools (NAICS) codes:

Pool 1: 611430, 611699, 624310

Pool 2:  541611, 541612, 541613, 541618, 611710

If you need assistance in preparation of this opportunity contact GSA Proposal Maven

To view the solicitation click here.

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Ilene Giles is a GSA schedules expert that has helped thousands of businesses grow with GSA schedules  Get her FREE VIDEO REPORT, “Top 5 Secrets You Need To Know Before Applying For A GSA schedule” or schedule your FREE thirty minute consultation TODAY by clicking here