GSA announced the Transactional Data Pilot Program (TDR) late in the year 2016. The program was incorporated as a way for GSA to collect data on purchases made against a vendors GSA schedule and was mandatory for vendors to participate. In early August of 2017 GSA submitted a refresh to declare that participation in the program is now voluntary. The refresh also removed clauses and provisions related to implementation of Executive Order 13673, Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces.
A webinar was conducted for industry on September 12, 2017 in order to receive feedback and provide industry further information on the changes. The changes were as follows:
Schedule 03FAC, 51 V, 58 I, 72, 73, and 75 solicitations will be updated to indicate that participation in the TDR pilot is voluntary. Any language regarding mandatory participation will be removed. In addition, the following clauses/provisions previously deleted from these solicitations when TDR was initially implemented will be ADDED back to accommodate offerors that do not opt into the TDR pilot:
● 552.212-70 Preparation of Offer (Multiple Award Schedule)
● 552.215-72 Price Adjustment – Failure to Provide Accurate Information
● 552.216-70 Economic Price Adjustment – FSS Multiple Award Schedule Contracts
● 552.238-74 Industrial Funding Fee and Sales Reporting
● 552.238-75 Price Reductions
● 552.238-81 Modification (Federal Supply Schedule)
● CSP-1 Commercial Sales Practices Format
● CI-FSS-151-N Additional Evaluation Factors for Award to New Offerors
● CI-FSS-151-S Additional Evaluation Factors for Award to Successful FSS Program Contractors
● I-FSS-969 Economic Price Adjustment – FSS Multiple Award Schedule
● SCP-FSS-001-N Instructions Applicable to New Offerors
● SCP-FSS-001-S Instructions Applicable to Successful FSS Program Contractors
The TDR clauses/provisions that were added to these solicitations when TDR was originally launched will remain in the solicitation to accommodate offerors that opt into the TDR pilot. Each solicitation will include language that indicates which clauses/provisions apply to TDR offers and which apply to non-TDR offers.
Schedule 70 and 00CORP solicitations will be updated to indicate that participation in the TDR pilot is voluntary. Any language regarding mandatory participation for certain SINs will be removed. These solicitations already include both TDR and non-TDR clauses/provisions, as they currently accommodate TDR and non-TDR offers.
Nullification of Final Rule Implementing E.O. 13673, Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces On March 27, 2017, Public Law 115-11 (H.J. Res 37) and Executive Order (E.O.) 13782 were signed to nullify FAR Case 2014-025, the final rule implementing E.O. 13673, Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces. A Federal Court had previously issued a preliminary injunction on parts of the FAR rule on October 24, 2016. Based on the original court order, the Paycheck Transparency requirement of the FAR rule was not affected, and was recently added to GSA MAS solicitations. However, as of March 27, 2017, the entire Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces FAR rule, including the Paycheck Transparency portion, is now null and void. Rulemaking under a new FAR Case 2017-015 has been undertaken to formally remove the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces requirements from the FAR. However, the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) has provided guidance that states agencies should not wait for formal rescission of the FAR rule and should take action to comply with Pub. L. 115-11.
As a result, all GSA Schedule solicitations will be updated as follows:
● DELETE 52.222-60 Paycheck Transparency (Executive Order 13673)(OCT 2016)
● DELETE 52.212-3 Offeror Representations and Certifications - Commercial Items (JAN 2017)
● ADD 52.212-3 Offeror Representations and Certifications - Commercial Items (MAY 2017)
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Ilene Giles is a GSA schedules expert that has helped thousands of businesses grow with a GSA contract. Get her FREE CD, “What You Need To Know Before Applying For A GSA schedule” or contact her today for a FREE consultation at GSAProposalMaven/meet-Ilene.
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