Issued Refresh 19 Information

DUNS Transition Extended

Effective October 2020 the transition of DUNS to the new Unique Entity Identifier has been extended.  If you are a company that is doing business with the federal government, or would like to you are required to obtain a DUNS number from DUN & Bradstreet.  Effective April of 2022 that action will change.  The original transition was set for December 2020 but it was found that the transition would require more time for testing.

Ernst & Young who will takeover the management of the system from Dun & Bradstreet has been awarded the contract to do so in a March 2019 contract award.

Going forward active SAM registrants will have their new UEI assigned within your SAM account.  New entities coming to SAM will request their identifier from

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Ilene Giles is a GSA schedules expert that has helped thousands of businesses grow with GSA schedules  Get her FREE VIDEO REPORT, “Top 5 Secrets You Need To Know Before Applying For A GSA schedule” or schedule your FREE thirty minute consultation TODAY by clicking here