GSA Ends DEI Rules For Federal Contractors

MAS Consolidation Deadline

If you are a GSA MAS contract holder who has been awarded two or more contracts using the same Unique Entity Identifier UEI the final deadline to get the contracts down to one is quickly approaching. The contract holder was required to submit a Phase 3 Consolidation Checklist and Plan to inform the agency how and when the contracts would be consolidated. The final deadline to submit the Phase 3 Consolidation Checklist and Plan is May 24, 2024.

If the contractor has not submitted the Phase 3 Consolidation Checklist and Plan by the required date several GSA portal capabilities will be disabled such as access to GSA e Tools will be suspended for thirty days, removal of awarded contract information from GSA E-Library, and GSA E-Buy opportunity notification will be suspended. In addition, orders cannot be placed against your GSA schedule contract, task orders, extensions, or renewals will be rejected, any modifications placed against the contract will not be accepted.

GSA Proposal Maven Inc. is a government contract firm that has helped thousands of businesses increase their bottom line with the GSA MAS contract program8(a) Certification Program, VOSB Certification, SDVOSB Certification, and other federal agency contracts.  Get your FREE report, “What You Need To Know Before Applying For A GSA schedule” or schedule your thirty-minute consultation by clicking here.