All federal agencies use the GSA schedule to fulfill their needs for good and services. They are not obligated to do so but the use of a GSA schedule helps the government as well as the business owner. The use of this program works for everybody involved; it supplies the end user with the product or service, while paying the contractor for supplying the product or service. Although there can be more changes to make this program run a little smoother GSA has created the federal schedule program into a one stop shop for all federal agencies.
The whole process allows the business owner the ability to close a federal deal while staying in compliance with federal rules and regulations. Some advantages of having the GSA schedule are:
- You can sell to any government agency when you have a GSA schedule.
- There is a short lead time in making a sale.
- GSA schedules are streamlined, fast, effective procurements.
- The program is flexible and easy to use.
- GSA schedules are pre-negotiated, pre-priced contracts that provide cost savings.
- GSA schedule holders have a competitive advantage over non schedule holders.
- Easier access to teaming arrangements that you are in control of.
GSA schedules are a good way to get your foot in the door but before you attempt to apply to the program you need to do your market research and find out if its a good fit for you.
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“Ilene Giles is an expert with GSA contracts and its processes and she has helped contractors worldwide in winning more federal business with a GSA contract. Get her FREE CD “Top 3 Things You Should Know When Applying for a GSA Contract” at”